Thursday, November 24, 2011

Badik .... traditional weapon (knife base) from Makassar Celebes Sulawesi Indonesia

From Makassar we have BADIK, this thing is a traditional weapon too. the shape like ordinary knife but bigger than cook's knife.

How use badik in the traditional clothing, see picture below

Badik stabbing weapon is also derived from Sulawesi and most widely used by the Bugis Makassar society. Badik positioned below keris, for that many people who have a Badik Bugis Makassar regardless of social strata of the wearer. So common and powerful use of the Badik for the Bugis Makassar so it is said that the Badik is a loyal friend he Bugis Makassar.Since bringing the Badik was customary then often times the people there at the time of surgery, police get a lot of Badik. As with Keris, the Badik is also obtained from generation to generation and especially if the recipient wanted to migrate or grow up. Until now still can be found Pande (Panre) Badik in the Sulawesi region to meet the needs of the people there. Most of panre Bessie (blacksmith) are living as farmers, merchants, or seamen. Being a blacksmith is just as a side income only. Art prestige resulting from tempahan kris or Badik Bugis Makassar not segemerlap when compared with the results tempahan Pande / masters of the land of Java.This is due to their belief that the keris or Badik is nice or good to have that prestige is made without the element of intent (unplanned). In general, the people there just like them and know some prestige in Java are called; Edge Mountain, Stone Lapak, Qul Buntet, Wos Wutah and Adeg . In terms of shape badik there are 2 common kinds are: 1) Badik Heart Lompobattang and 2) badik La Gecong. Badik Lompobattang is characteristic or character of the tribe of Makassar and the adjacent surrounding area. Named for its shape resembles a Badik Lompobattang Banana Heart. While La Gecong a Badik that much in use by the Bugis that looks more sloping. Type of iron is good for making kris or Badik is made of iron Luwuk whose color is gray to gray as the color of coconut milk and mixed with the sparkling sands malela iron. The weight of the Keris and Badik that is considered good is a lightweight. Sometimes we like to be fooled because seeing is not balanced by its weight.This is preferred because of a mild type of Badik is more practical in terms of fights. The use of iron Luwuk highly favored by the people Bugis Makassar this is because they believe that good luck arising from the iron Luwuk very good.Iron Luwuk believed to be able to avoid the attack by predatory animals. Besides these two types badik above, the Bugis Makassar also like badik sympathetic Siolong / cappa Sikadong marked by a rift in the back bar, Rakapeng / Matapakato semi-circular strokes on the eye bar, and Patelongi or Combong hole in the wall bar.

In ancient times the things that can not be solved again by way of kinship especially those triggered by the violation will Siri and Pesse usually ends with a fight. Both fighters come into LIPA (sarong) and they collided with each other in Lipa stab pierced it and who is out safely then he was the winner.

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